B.C. by Johnny Hart
27 August, 2017

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The Fat Broad  A ubiquitous 'straight-person' with an unswerving

 devotion to the domination of men.The Cute Chick  A sex object in a world that had not yet

 discovered objectivity.B.C., a humble, meek, naive slob.  A most pleasant encounter

 for those who dislike encounters.Peter, a self-styled genius.  The world's first philosophical 

 failure and a mogul of forced enterprise.DinosaurClumsy Carp, a friendly, unassuming, myopic maladroit.  

 An assiduous student of ichtheology.  One who always leaves 

 his best foot backward.Thor, The inventor of the wheel and the comb.  A self-proclaimed

 ladies' man.  And an artist.Wiley, a superstitious poet with an aversion

 to water in any form and an adherence to sports

 in any shape.Curls, The master of sarcastic wit.Grog.  A caveman's caveman.  A teddy bear for the 'macho'. The Apterix  A wingless bird with hairy feathers.The SnakeAnt'The Dookey Bird'Ol John the turtleThe Eatanter

Cartoonist Johnny Hart's "B.C." strip appeared for the first time on February 17, 1958.

He died on April 7, 2007, while at his drawing board. Born in 1931, He was 78 years old.

Daily "B.C." strips already completed by Hart will run through April 28, and Sundays through May 20, according to the syndicate.

In tribute to Hart, his family members will select six weeks of their favorite "B.C." strips to run daily between April 30 and June 9, and Sunday between May 27 and July 1.

After that, "B.C." will resume its regular schedule, under the supervision of Hart's children and grandchildren. The strip will mark its 50th year in 2008.

Today's Strip

B.C. Links

Official Creators Syndicate B.C. Page

In 1968, Johnny Hart won the Reuben Award for B.C. and The Wizard of Id.

An Interview with Johnny Hart

World on the web, April 13, 1996--Censorship at the Times

Christian Reader article, Mar/Apr, 1997

The Plain Truth article, Jul/Aug, 1997

International Museum Of Cartoon Art Johnny Hart Page

My Collection of B.C. Books

Hey! B.C. (1958-1959)

48 pages were removed to make an abridged edition. The deleted cartoons depicted choosing the "clam" as a medium of exchange.

Forward by Charles M. Schulz, creator of Peanuts

Introduction of Curls, the Eatanter, and Women.

Back To B.C. (1959-1961)

32 pages were removed to make an abridged edition. The deleted cartoons depicted the opening of Peter's Hotel.

Forward by Al Capp, creator of Lil' Abner

B.C. Strikes Back (1961-1962)

32 pages were removed to make an abridged edition.

Forward by Rod Serling

What's New, B.C.? (1962-1963) [published 1968]

B.C.--Big Wheel (1963-1964) [published 1969]

introduction of "The Midnight Skulker"

Hurray For B.C. [Selected Cartoons from The Sunday Best Of B.C.] (1958-1963)

Forward by Bill Maudlin

B.C. Is Alive And Well! (1964-1965) [published 1969]

Take A Bow, B.C. (1965-1966) [published 1970]

introduction of the Apteryx (a wingless bird with hairy feathers), and Grog (inside a glacier)

B.C. On The Rocks (1966-1967) [published December 1971]

discovery that "Clams got legs!"

B.C.--Right On (4-27 to 10-25 1967) [published February 1973]

B.C. Cave In (10-26 1967 to 5-24 1968) [published July 1973]

B.C. One More Time (1968-1969) [published November 1973]

B.C./Dip In Road (3-17 to 11-13 1969) [published June 1974]

B.C./It's A Funny World (3-18 1969 to 5-25 1970) [published November 1974]

B.C. "Life Is A seventy-five cent Paperback" (5-26 to 11-10 1970) [published June 1975]

This book's title changed with each edition, as its price increased!

B.C. Truckin On Down (11-12 1970 to 6-17 1971) [published November 1975]

B.C. Great Zot I'm Beautiful (6-18 to 11-30 1971) [published 1976]

B.C. color me Sunday [published 1977]

the SECOND and THIRD letters of the Alphabet Revisited (12-1 1971 to 7-4 1972) [published 1977]
The last strip in this book also appears in the next book.

Loneliness Is Rotting On A Bookrack (7-3 1972 to 1-13 1973) [published 1978]

B.C. Where The Hell Is Heck? (1-18 to 10-2 1973) [published 1978]

B.C. The Sun Comes Up The Sun Goes Down (10-8 1973 to 4-25 1974) [published 1979]

Updated character descriptions of the B.C. cast.

I, B.C. (5-6 to 10-18 1974) [published January, 1980]

JOHNNY HART'S B.C. A SPECIAL CHRISTMAS. [Published by Harlake / Firefly Books, 1981]

No Two Sexes Are Alike (10-19 1974 to 5-20 1975) [published September, 1981]

B.C. A Clam For Your Thoughts (5-22 to 11-21 1975) [published December, 1981]

...But Theriously Folkth... (11-24 1975 to 6-4 1976) [published August, 1982]

Star Light, Star Bright, First... (6-7 to 12-1 1976) [published December 1982]

B.C. Out One Ear And In The Other (12-2 1976 to 5-26 1977) [published October 1983]

B.C. I Don't Wanta Hear About It (5-28 to 12-30 1977) [published March 1984]

B.C Life Goes On (1-2 to 6-17 1978) [published October 1984]

B.C. A Rag And A Bone And A Yank Of Hair (6-19 to 12-15 1978) [published March 1985]

B.C. Lover's Leap (12-20 1978 to 7-5 1979) [published October 1985]

B.C. Why Me? (7-6 1979 to 1-7 1980) [published February 1986]

B.C. Rides Again [published 1988]

Return of B.C. Rides Again [a B.C. collection] [published 1989]

B.C. [a B.C. collection] [published 1990]

Johnny Hart's growingold with B.C. [a 50 year celebration] [published 2007]
Contains biography, and favorite strips from five decades.

I Did It His Way: A Collection of Classic B.C. Religious Comic Strips
[published May 5, 2009]
When he became a Christian in 1984, Johnny turned his trademark wit and humor to matters of faith. Johnny passed away the day before Easter 2007 while at his drawing board. "This book is a dream that Johnny and I shared," says his wife, Bobby. "I knew I had to finish our dream."

Johnny Hart's growingold with B.C. [a 50 year celebration continues] For several years now, Amazon.com has listed a "Growing Old, continued" book, but lists it as unavailable

B.C. Reinvents The Wheel
By Mastroianni and Hart
(Willow Creek Press - 2012)

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All B.C. images Copyright Johnny Hart.
All other contents Copyright 1996-2017